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List of items "Süßigkeiten und Knabbereien"
There are 234 items in the list of items "Süßigkeiten und Knabbereien".
Suche verfeinern
Kaubonbons, 100 g
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Paraguay, Contents: 100g, Packaging unit: 8 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 1,95
Saure Bio-Fruchtgummis mit Fruchtgeschmack, kbA, 100 g
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Paraguay, Contents: 100g, Packaging unit: 10 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 1,95
saures Fruchtgummi
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Paraguay, Contents: 25g, Packaging unit: 50 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 0,90
Fruchtgummi ohne Gelatine, kbA, 100 g
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Paraguay, Contents: 100g, Packaging unit: 10 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 1,95
Bio-Fruchtgummis ohne Gelatine
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Paraguay, Contents: 100g, Packaging unit: 10 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 1,95
10 Rollen á 15 g
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Rumänien, Contents: 10x15g, Packaging unit: 12 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 5,90
Mandel-Nougat & Cranberry-Mandel-Nougat,
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Südafrika, Contents: 120g, Packaging unit: 8 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 5,90
Mandel-Nougat in Vollmilchschokolade &
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: SA, Contents: 120g, Packaging unit: 8 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 5,90
mit Minze
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Südafrika, Contents: 140g, Packaging unit: 8 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 5,90
je 6x Lieblingsmensch/Glücksbringer/Dankeschön
-- New in our assortment --
Origin: Schokoschatz / Deutschland
The product is available.
SRP: € 125,10
-- New in our assortment --
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: divers, Contents: 2500g
The product is available.
SRP: € 102,96
bio°, Naturland Fair, 40g
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Sri Lanka, div., Contents: 40g, Packaging unit: 18 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 1,39
bio°, Naturland Fair, 40g, vegan
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Sri Lanka, Contents: 40g, Packaging unit: 18 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 1,39
Fruchtbällchen mit Aprikosen, Feigen, Haselnüssen und Kokosnuss, bio°, 80g, vegan
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Contents: 80g, Packaging unit: 6 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 3,49
Fruchtbällchen mit Feigen, Sauerkirschen, Haselnüssen und Kokosnuss, bio°, 80g, vegan
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Türkei, Packaging unit: 6 piece(s)
The product is available.
SRP: € 3,49
Importer/supplier: Pakka, Origin: Kolumbien, Contents: 48g, Packaging unit: 12 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown, it is on sale.
SRP: € 1,00
Importer/supplier: GEPA, Origin: divers, Contents: 3x15g, Packaging unit: 36 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 0,99
Importer/supplier: GEPA, Origin: divers, Contents: 100g, Packaging unit: 10 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 1,89
Importer/supplier: GEPA, Origin: divers, Contents: 100g, Packaging unit: 10 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 1,89
Gefüllte Bio Vollmilchschokolade mit Milchcreme und Karamellstückchen
Importer/supplier: GEPA, Origin: CECAQ-11, São Tomé und Príncipe, Contents: 37,5g, Packaging unit: 18 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 1,09
120 g, kbA,
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Ägypten, Contents: 120g, Packaging unit: 6 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 3,90
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Packaging unit: 6 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 3,49
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Contents: 80g, Packaging unit: 10 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 2,69
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Contents: 80g, Packaging unit: 10 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 3,99
bio°, Naturland Fair, 100g, vegan, glutenfrei
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: divers, Contents: 100g, Packaging unit: 12 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 3,19
bio°, 100g, vegan, glutenfrei
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Packaging unit: 10 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 2,69
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: divers, Contents: 100g, Packaging unit: 6 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 4,29
Importer/supplier: Pakka, Origin: Kolumbien, Contents: 48g, Packaging unit: 12 piece(s)
The product might be not available for some time and goes on sale on arrival.
SRP: € 1,50
Importer/supplier: GEPA, Contents: 50g, Packaging unit: 12 piece(s)
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 2,99
120 g, kbA,
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Ägypten, Contents: 120g, Packaging unit: 6 piece(s)
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 3,90
bio°, 70g, in 50% dunkler Bergmilchschokolade Milchschokolade
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 4,20
mit Ingwer und Zimt, handgemachte Schokoladentrüffel, einzeln verpackt, 125g, vegan
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Contents: 125g, Packaging unit: 6 piece(s)
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 6,59
erlesene Auswahl, handgefertigt, bio°, 155g, vier Sorten, 16 Stück
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Packaging unit: 6 piece(s)
The product might be not available soon.
9 Stück
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Kolumbien, Contents: 90g, Packaging unit: 8 piece(s)
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 8,90
4 Stück
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Kolumbien, Contents: 40g, Packaging unit: 12 piece(s)
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 4,90
24 feine Pralinen und Schokoladen
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Kolumbien, Contents: 275g
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 21,90
9 Pralinen
Importer/supplier: El Puente
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 9,50
Libanesische Confiserie mit Pistazien und Mandeln
Importer/supplier: El Puente, Origin: Libanon, Contents: 240g, Packaging unit: 8 piece(s)
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 7,90
150x12g, mit Etikett, ohne Gelatine, vegan
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Paraguay
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 36,00
bio°, Naturland Fair, 100g, vegan, glutenfrei
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: divers, Contents: 100g, Packaging unit: 12 piece(s)
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 3,19
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Peru, Contents: 100g, Packaging unit: 10 piece(s)
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 2,69
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Türkei, Contents: 100g, Packaging unit: 10 piece(s)
The product might be not available soon.
SRP: € 3,99
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Österreich, Contents: 70g, Packaging unit: 5 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 4,30
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Österreich, Contents: 70g, Packaging unit: 5 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 4,10
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Contents: 70g, Packaging unit: 5 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 4,20
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Österreich, Contents: 70g, Packaging unit: 5 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 4,30
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Österreich, Contents: 70g, Packaging unit: 5 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 4,20
Weiße Schokolade gefüllt mit Honig-Karamell-Crisps
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Österreich, Contents: 70g, Packaging unit: 5 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 4,20
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Österreich, Contents: 70g, Packaging unit: 5 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 4,30
Importer/supplier: WeltPartner, Origin: Österreich, Contents: 70g, Packaging unit: 5 piece(s)
The availability of this product is unknown.
SRP: € 4,20
Süd Nord Kontor Sued Fair Trade Fairtrade Fairer Handel Hamburg Kaffee Tee Schokolade Geschenkartikel Geschenke Kaufen Lebensmittel Handwerk